How to buy and order

In the first step, please read thewarranty section very carefully.
In the next step, register in the store and create your personal account.
Enter the main menu and make sure to read the guide for each category (jewelry categories, collections, wedding jewelry). Then, based on the guide, enter the collection and select your desired product. You can view the product from different angles and in detail through the gallery. Read the product description and specification table. Determine your desired size according to the size selection guide. Select the option to add to the shopping cart, observe the list of goods, specifications, and amounts. Choose the address and payment gateway and enter the payment information. After payment, your purchase invoice will appear, be sure to save this invoice in print or electronically and keep it, presenting this invoice is mandatory at the time of product delivery.
Brand Ambassador and Support
At any moment from entering the website, you can contact the support numbers answered by the brand ambassadors, establish a connection, and be informed about the order process and support. All your questions will be answered by the ambassador, also from the beginning of the order, you can make your purchase step by step by contacting the ambassadors in the website office. Support is available 24/7 via online chat and by phone during office hours.
Shipping Time
The shipping time for jewelry, if available, is 1-2 business days and if you order a custom-made product, it will be shipped to you within 7 to 15 business days. This product, after going through the manufacturing stages such as engraving, plating, etc., will be shipped to our dear users within this time frame. The products are shipped entirely securely by the brand ambassadors or VIP post and come with insurance. The product delivery time is only given to the buyer (if sent as a gift to someone else, please coordinate with the brand ambassador) and is delivered upon presentation of the invoice, tracking code, and identification card.
Contact thebrand ambassadors in the website office (consultation, questions, purchase guide, availability)
In the next step, register in the store and create your personal account.
Enter the main menu and make sure to read the guide for each category (jewelry categories, collections, wedding jewelry). Then, based on the guide, enter the collection and select your desired product. You can view the product from different angles and in detail through the gallery. Read the product description and specification table. Determine your desired size according to the size selection guide. Select the option to add to the shopping cart, observe the list of goods, specifications, and amounts. Choose the address and payment gateway and enter the payment information. After payment, your purchase invoice will appear, be sure to save this invoice in print or electronically and keep it, presenting this invoice is mandatory at the time of product delivery.
Brand Ambassador and Support
At any moment from entering the website, you can contact the support numbers answered by the brand ambassadors, establish a connection, and be informed about the order process and support. All your questions will be answered by the ambassador, also from the beginning of the order, you can make your purchase step by step by contacting the ambassadors in the website office. Support is available 24/7 via online chat and by phone during office hours.
Shipping Time
The shipping time for jewelry, if available, is 1-2 business days and if you order a custom-made product, it will be shipped to you within 7 to 15 business days. This product, after going through the manufacturing stages such as engraving, plating, etc., will be shipped to our dear users within this time frame. The products are shipped entirely securely by the brand ambassadors or VIP post and come with insurance. The product delivery time is only given to the buyer (if sent as a gift to someone else, please coordinate with the brand ambassador) and is delivered upon presentation of the invoice, tracking code, and identification card.
Contact thebrand ambassadors in the website office (consultation, questions, purchase guide, availability)